Invest In Your Growth


Growing in Christ


Use our teachings to grow in your relationship with god and in your understanding of his word. 


We believe that the word of God is not meant to keep to yourself, but to share.


A believer’s transformation should be multiplied into others’ lives through teaching and example. This is what Christ exemplified and commanded His disciples to do when He said “make disciples and teach them all the same things that I have taught you”

– Matthew 28:19-20

The Bible states that in order to be transformed we must have our minds renewed (Romans 12:2). When you read Biblical teachings that relate to every believer, you will begin to notice your mindset changing and agreeing with what God’s word says. This new mentality will equip you to make better decisions and to live for God in a greater way than you ever have before. Being transformed and maturing in Him is the goal! 

Let’s Grow together!

Christian blogs are abundant online and it is a great thing! Praise God! However, it is difficult to find Christian blogs that truly submit their content to what the Bible teaches us. At Let’s Grow in Christ, we focus on publishing writings that line up with doctrine that is clear and obvious throughout scripture. We do not want to put out content that is based on our experience or on the trends and culture of today’s American Church. Our goal is to emphasize the Biblical truths that will help us GROW in Christ, instead of just entertaining the reader.



"A man without self-control     is like a city broken into and left without walls." - Proverbs 25:28          Have you ever watched one of those Medieval movies where knights, kings, and armies with horses,...

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Why the Holy Spirit is important Here are 9 very Biblical reasons why we need the Holy Spirit today. The Holy Spirit plays a major role in the lives of believers, and we must know how He helps us so that we can begin to depend on Him more! The Holy Spirit is always...

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How to Pray to God Correctly

How to Pray to God Correctly

Do you really know how to pray to God the right way? Many Christians don't know how to really pray to the Lord properly. Many Christians struggle with staying consistent with prayer because they do not know what to do in prayer and how to pray to God in a real and...

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How to grow spiritually as a Christian

How to grow spiritually as a Christian

Hey, guys! Today I will be talking to you about the ways you can grow spiritually and mature in your faith as a Christian.... let’s do it!   First off, the most important thing you can do in order to grow in your faith is to mentally make the decision that you will...

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What scripture says about growing in Christ

What scripture says about growing in Christ

 In order to become intentional about growing in Christ you must see what scripture says about growing in Christ and spiritual growth. There are a lot of Christians around the world who think that their only job is to just continue believing in Christ, but they fail...

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Does the devil make people sick?

Does the devil make people sick?

Does the devil make people sick? Our last blog touched on the fact that in the Old Testament and in the New Testament God sent forms of punishment on people, which included sicknesses, diseases and death. The point in that blog was that God commands His people to live...

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Does God make people sick?

Does God make people sick?

Does God make people sick? I used to think that because Jesus healed the sick pretty much everywhere he went, that God did not like sickness and would never put sickness on anybody. However, as I kept reading the Bible and growing in my understanding of the character...

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The importance of Christian Blogs today

The importance of Christian Blogs today

As Christians, we have the lifelong objective of growing up in Christ and using the people and resources available. As you guys know, we focus on helping believers all around the world grow in Christ. If you Google Christian churches, you will find hundreds and...

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What purpose does God have for you in Christ?

What purpose does God have for you in Christ?

Do you know your purpose in Christ? God cares less about your dreams and goals. He cares more about your obedience. This life is not about you and what you want to do with it. Life is about Jesus Christ and what He has done for humanity. It is about us following His...

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Are Christians supposed to get sick?

Are Christians supposed to get sick?

“Are Christians supposed to get sick” is probably in the top three of the questions that Christians all around the world have. Sickness is something that is so relevant to people in all parts of the world and it is a question that we cannot avoid. We all know believers and unbelievers who have asked this question and are very confused about this topic. Many people say “if God is real or if God is loving, why are you sick?” Others say “why does God allow so many people to die every year from cancer, aids, and other illnesses?”

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Why should Christians be careful on social media?

Why should Christians be careful on social media?

Christians have the responsibility of stewarding their time, minds and decisions in this world. I am not going to say that social media is evil but there are definitely many evil things in social media that we Christians must be careful with. The Bible states that God is so faithful and helpful that he will provide a way of escape to us all from the temptations that we will encounter in this evil Fallen World (1 Corinthians 10:13). We have the responsibility to take that way of escape from those temptations and practice righteousness instead of sin. I want to give you our take on how to handle social media as a Christian so that you can grow in Christ to the best of your ability while still being involved in things socially such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms like those….

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Why do Christians need to grow every day?

Why do Christians need to grow every day?

  First of all, I am pretty sure that most Christians know their need to grow in their relationship with God and their knowledge of His word. You also have preachers, such as myself, that always challenge the body of Christ to grow in Him. However, I believe that...

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