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Why the Holy Spirit is important

Here are 9 very Biblical reasons why we need the Holy Spirit today.

The Holy Spirit plays a major role in the lives of believers, and we must know how He helps us so that we can begin to depend on Him more! The Holy Spirit is always with us and we need to embrace His help!

Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit a whole lot during His earthly ministry. Along with eternal life and right-standing with the Father, Jesus also promised us that we would receive a helper that would walk alongside us during our time on earth as believers.

It is very important that we understand the role of the Holy Spirit and why we need Him. Most of us find ourselves living life by our own abilities or strengths. However, I strongly believe that we are to embrace the Holy Spirit, His strengths and abilities (which are endless) just like the disciples embraced Jesus and His.


The books of John, Romans, Galatians, and 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 teach us a lot about the Holy Spirit. He is everything that we need to live the lives that we are called to live in Christ. He empowers and enables Christians to live out God’s will for us.

Grab a pen and paper and get ready to grow with me in your understanding of why we need the Holy Spirit!

Why is the Holy Spirit important in the life of a believer?

Here is the first of 9 reasons why the Holy Spirit is important:

1) He is a teacher

Jesus said in John 14:26 that the Holy Spirit will be with us to teach us all things.

1 John 2:27 teaches that the anointing that God gave us teaches us all things. That anointing is the Holy Spirit our teacher.

When we read God’s word we can be confident in our growth by trusting that the Holy Spirit will help us understand what we’re reading.

2) He is a comforter

John 14:26 says that the Holy Spirit is the comforter for believers that the Father sends to us.

There’s nothing that brings comfort to us in times of need like God’s peace, love, wisdom, and promises being reminded to us. The Holy Spirit comforts us in these ways.

3) He convicts & corrects

John 16:8 states that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

John 16:13 states that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth.

Whenever we make mistakes, assume, and get the wrong idea about God’s word, the Holy Spirit is always ready to correct us by guiding us into what’s true and righteous.

4) He brings God’s word to remembrance

John 14:26 states that the Holy Spirit brings the words and teachings of Jesus Christ to the remembrance of His followers.

There have been times when I am in conversation with someone and before I start speaking I ask the Lord to help me with my response. Instead of hearing exact words to say, He brings a scripture to remembrance like “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy”, and by remembering that scripture, I then remember how to respond to that person. For example, in mercy.

5) He will speak through us

In Matthew 10:20 Jesus promised His disciples that the Spirit of God who they would receive would speak through them in times of need. He stated that they didn’t need to worry about what words to use when questioned, but that the Holy Spirit would speak through them.

6) He helps us pray 

Romans 8:26 declares that the Spirit Himself helps us to pray and verse 27 says that He helps us to pray for things that are according to God’s will. 

We need Him to help us in prayer because we don’t know exactly what to pray for, so we need to be led by God even in our prayers.

7) He poured the love of God into our hearts

Romans 5:5 states that the love of God came into our hearts because the Holy Spirit put it there for us.

If you want to follow Jesus, you will need to obey His 2 commandments which are to love God with your everything and love people as yourself. We can’t love people without God’s love. So we need the Holy Spirit to love and fulfill Christ’s commands.

8) The fruit of the Spirit 

Speaking of God’s love, the fruit of the Spirit is exactly that; fruit OF the Spirit.

We need the Holy Spirit to bear good fruit, His fruit.

Galatians 5:22-23 describes what these fruits are. Take a look at those verses to get a better understanding of what fruit the Holy Spirit enables us to bear. 

9) The gifts of the Spirit 

In 1 Corinthians 12 diversities of gifts are described as manifestations of the Holy Spirit that are given to believers.

We need the Holy Spirit to walk in the manifestations that are listed here, such as prophecy or the working of miracles. We cannot produce these supernatural acts by our own natural abilities.

You can read about all these manifestations of the Spirit of God in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and also chapter 14.

So there you have it, those are 9 biblical strong reasons why we need the Holy Spirit as Christians.

I hope this teaching brought some clarity to you!

Take care! 

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