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Tithing, Giving and the Love of Money in the Church

I believe that this post will help you grow in Christ today. If you’re wondering how to grow in Christ as a Christian, the answer is through the truth of God’s Word. It is God’s word that teaches us about giving, tithing, and helping those in need. However, in order to obey what God wants us to do, we have to look at all scripture and not just some scriptures that tell us to tithe and give to the Pastor and Church. Scripture also commands us to not love things, to not love money, and to not seek to be rich.

Over the years in Church, I have noticed that many Christians seem to think that just because they are consistently tithing and giving they don’t love money or things. I believe this concept started with the rich megachurch pastors who would base their sermons and motivational statements on money and comfortable living. These pastors tell their congregations to tithe and donate to their church in order to prove that they don’t love their money. What this does is give Christians the sense of a justification and excuse to be able to focus on money and the pursuit of things while not feeling guilty of disobeying scripture. Even though I think this statement and mentality are dangerous for Christians, I can admit that there are a lot of believers who don’t give to their pastors and churches, which proves that they rather hold on to that donation out of selfishness, instead of obeying God’s word when it comes to giving.

Think about what you think about, is it possessions, success, and money? If your life revolves around making money and storing up things for yourself on earth, it is not an obedient Christian life according to Jesus Christ. Tithing and giving to your Pastor doesn’t cancel out the amount of time, energy, and ambition that you’ve put behind making the money you have. That’s like saying that you can kill people as long as you get your wife pregnant and continue to reproduce in order to prove that you don’t hate people. It sounds crazy right? It is. There’s no such thing as canceling out disobedience with acts of obedience in Christianity. Balance is a worldly concept, not a godly one.

Part of growing in Christ is taking responsibility for your actions as well as your deep and hidden intentions. This involves throwing out the desires of the flesh and the excuses that we make up in order to still do them while not feeling guilty. I believe that every Christian who is being taught the word of God by someone should be helping that person financially. However, just because you do this, it doesn’t mean that you’re not in disobedience to God when it comes to your relationship with money and possessions.

Make sure that you don’t love things, money, and this world. Tithing and giving to the church isn’t enough to cover your sin of the love of money. Repenting of it and no longer doing it is the only way. I hope this Christian website and ministry continues to teach you and challenge you in growing in Christ. Our goal is to become one of the top christian blogs for you in order to help you in your Christian journey. We have Christian sermons online to help you understand God’s word better. We also have a free online bible study twice a week that you can learn from.

Be blessed in Jesus’ name!

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