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“A man without self-control

    is like a city broken into and left without walls.”

– Proverbs 25:28

         Have you ever watched one of those Medieval movies where knights, kings, and armies with horses, swords, and arrows go to war and take over cities? In those movies, there’s usually a scene or two where a village or whole town gets forcefully taken over by its enemies. This is usually a violent and dramatic scene with lots of action. These scenes typically make me very sad because even though one group of people is prospering and growing by stealing property and possessions from someone else, the other group is getting attacked while losing their hard-earned belongings. You can see the pain, anger, and sadness in the people who are getting their city broken into and taken over. It’s not fair. This group of people will be left with nothing, and later will be full of regrets. They’re going to wish that they could have done something, but they didn’t. The attackers did something against the townspeople’s will.

         God has promised to be with us, to strengthen us, and to give us wise instructions during our lives on earth so that we can walk in a way that pleases Him. God made it possible for us to live in a way that doesn’t bring much regret to us in the future. I don’t know about you, but I have reacted to people’s actions and words in ways that I truly regret today. I look back at things that I’ve done, and I know that I shouldn’t have done them. A tough situation, someone’s bad attitude and other temptations have influenced me to do things that I didn’t want to do. I felt like my city was broken into and left without walls against my will.

         The good news is that we don’t have to do things that are against our will. We must remember how we want to live and what kind of people we want to be before God. We must remember our principles and stick to them. God has given us the ability to exercise self-control against doing things that we will regret later on. Don’t let others influence you to do what you truly don’t want to do. Start having fewer regrets by controlling yourself regardless of the situation you find yourself in. Stop letting your city be broken into by outsiders!


What are 3-5 things that usually catch you off guard and lead you to act in a way that you will regret later on?

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