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Throughout the years of walking with Christ and purposefully attempting to grow in Christ more, I have found a very effective way to do so. This strategy that I have used frequently for the last few years will shock you and possibly turn you off. This surprising way of growing in Christ is ignored and rejected by most American believers today. If you are willing to try ANYTHING in order to mature and grow up as a Christian, then this strategy is for you!



I can vouch that doing this will definitely renew your mind and help you think, speak and want to act differently after you’re done. This way of growing in Christ demands that you use scripture only, nothing else. No other material, not even this ministry’s writings. You must be willing to change your routine of listening to sermons, podcasts, youtube videos, and other Christian content during this time. The goal is to spend days, weeks, and even months learning about God and Christianity only from the Bible itself, nothing else. 

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness – 1 Timothy 3:16


This is really simple, basically, during this time, you will spend your “learning time” reading scripture only. Don’t read any Christian books, blogs, social media posts, commentaries, or anything that teaches you what scripture says through “another person’s perspective”. You also can’t listen to any sermons, youtube videos, podcasts, bible classes, debates, apologetics videos, evangelism videos, etc. The goal is to fill your mind with what scripture says and not allow any doctrine to influence you so that you can only learn what God has said, not today’s teachers.



This method might be too extreme for a lot of believers, but I think that it is necessary to do in order to truly learn Christ’s teachings today. We have so many churches, authors, teachers, and now social media influencers that most Christians have a mixture of perspectives when it comes to the doctrine they believe, teach and live by.

Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures – Luke 24:45



We must learn what scripture truly teaches in the right context!!!



There are so many Christians out here teaching and quoting scripture out of context. It is very dangerous to know scripture but fail to understand how it was originally intended through God’s prophets, God’s laws, Christ, and His apostles. There are too many people teaching the body of Christ scripturally incorrect doctrine. If you pay attention to Christians in your church, on social media, and even in ministry you will see that this is harming more people than it is helping.



If you feel weird about not listening to your pastor during this time, go ahead and attend your regular church service on Sunday. If you are currently attending bible college, show up to class. If you don’t want to miss any of our bible study videos or sermons on Sunday morning, watch them anyway. However, if you don’t mind missing any of these educational opportunities, I strongly suggest that you avoid any Christian resource except the Bible.

Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching – 1 Timothy 4:13  


When I think of Moses, I think of someone who only had what God said as instruction in his mind. When I think of David, I think of someone who thought about the words of God and His laws consistently. When I think of the Apostles of Christ, I think of Christian leaders who only listened to the teachings of Christ and taught others according to those teachings only. We must beware of false teachings, wrong doctrine, and ideologies of man. Let’s get God’s truth in us and renew our minds according to His mind, not people’s.



It is a shame to see the amount of Christians who don’t really know what scripture teaches. I don’t know if it’s ignorance or arrogance to think that you can follow Christ and live like Christ without really knowing what Christ said and did. Many brothers and sisters in Christ want to know how to grow in Christ. Well, the answer starts with growing in the understanding of His teachings!

knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation – 2 Peter 1:20 


It shouldn’t be a surprise that using scripture only is a great way of growing in Christ. Unfortunately, in today’s day, we have grown accustomed to add-ons and entertaining messages taking the place of scripture itself. Let’s get back to the truth of scripture!



Choose how long you want to do this for, but I want to challenge you to a whole month of not listening to any preachings/bible classes or reading any blogs, books etc. Get all of your doctrine and theology from scripture only.

But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God – Matthew 22:29



Will you accept this challenge? If so, let me know in the comments or reach out to us via social media/youtube.



I believe that while doing this, God will help you understand His ways through His words like never before!



You can do this, let’s grow in Christ!!


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