Christian Sermons Online
Let’s Grow in Christ is committed to helping Christians Grow in Christ through sound doctrine and scriptural transparency!
We love to disciple Christians with the truth of the Gospel to lead them to maturity and fruitful transformation!
Our sermons are strictly biblical and geared to help you grow in Christ as His disciple through the Word of God.
We provide the body of Christ with a new sermon or verse-by-verse bible study every Sunday morning on our youtube channel!
Our biblical sermons and bible studies will teach you God’s word in the proper context and help you grow in Christ.
I make it my aim to guide you with truth and answer any questions in the comments that you have about the text and Christianity altogether.

These Sermons will help you learn the word of God in an applicable and practical way.
We want to help you grow in Christ and grow in faith through these biblical messages that are needed in order for you to renew your mind and live for God more!
The goal is not to preach, but to help believers grow up in Christ and mature in the knowledge of God’s will.
These sermons are full of easy ways to understand what Christianity is all about.
These powerful sermons will equip you for the work of ministry as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
The formula to learn how to preach biblically is to keep the Bible as the center, focus, and base of the inspiring sermons that you preach!
Many people look for heart touching and motivating sermons. However, I believe that the true purpose of biblical preaching is not to preach, but to deliver good sermons that are biblical. Bible sermons are supposed to inform, convict and challenge the body of Christ to deny the flesh and walk in the Spirit.